Geometrize 1.0
C++ library for geometrizing images into geometric primitives
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CSVGExportOptionsThe SVGExportOptions struct represents the options that can be set for the SVG export
 CBitmapHelper class for working with bitmap data
 CImageRunnerHelper class for creating a set of primitives from a source image
 CImageRunnerOptionsEncapsulates preferences/options that the image runner uses
 CImageRunnerShapeBoundsOptionsThe ImageRunnerShapeBoundsOptions struct encapsulates options for where shapes may be drawn within the image. Defines a rectangle expressed as percentages (0-100%) of the target image dimensions
 CLineSimple line
 CModelModel for the core optimization/fitting algorithm
 CQuadraticBezierQuadratic bezier curve
 CrgbaThe rgba struct is a helper for manipulating RGBA8888 color data
 CRotatedEllipseRotated ellipse
 CRotatedRectangleRotated rectangle
 CScanlineScanline, a row of pixels running across a bitmap
 CShapeResultThe ShapeResult struct is a container for info about a shape added to the model
 CStateRelates a shape and related properties to a measure of how close it brings the working image to the target image